• Tenderness

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    soft or delicate in substance; not hard or tough
    a tender steak.
    weak or delicate in constitution; not strong or hardy.
    (of plants) unable to withstand freezing temperatures.
    young or immature
    children of tender age.
    delicate or soft in quality
    tender blue.
    delicate, soft, or gentle
    the tender touch of her hand.
    easily moved to sympathy or compassion; kind
    a tender heart.
    affectionate or loving; sentimental or amatory
    a tender glance.
    considerate or careful; chary or reluctant (usually fol. by of ).
    acutely or painfully sensitive
    a tender bruise.
    easily distressed; readily made uneasy
    a tender conscience.
    yielding readily to force or pressure; easily broken; fragile.
    of a delicate or ticklish nature; requiring careful or tactful handling
    a tender subject.
    Nautical . crank 2 ( def. 1 ) .

    Verb (used with object)

    to make tender.
    Archaic . to regard or treat tenderly.

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