Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
that which forms a basic matter of thought, discussion, investigation, etc.
- a subject of conversation.
Grammar . (in English and many other languages) a syntactic unit that functions as one of the two main constituents of a simple sentence, the other being the predicate, and that consists of a noun, noun phrase, or noun substitute which often refers to the one performing the action or being in the state expressed by the predicate, as He in He gave notice.
being under dominion, rule, or authority, as of a sovereign, state, or some governing power; owing allegiance or obedience (often fol. by to ).
Verb (used with object)
to bring under dominion, rule, or authority, as of a conqueror or a governing power (usually fol. by to ).
- accountable , apt , at one’s feet , bound by , captive , collateral , conditional , contingent , controlled , dependent , directed , disposed , enslaved , exposed , governed , in danger of , inferior , liable , likely , obedient , open , prone , provisional , ruled , satellite , secondary , sensitive , servile , slavish , sub * , subaltern , subjugated , submissive , subordinate , subservient , substract , susceptible , tentative , tributary , under , vulnerable , susceptive , conditioned , relative , reliant , amenable , answerable , emotional , psychic , psychological , psychosomatic , subjective
- affair , argument , business , case , chapter , class , core , course , discussion , field of reference , gist , head , idea , item , material , matter at hand , meat * , motif , motion , motive , object , point , principal object , problem , proposal , question , resolution , study , subject matter , substance , text , theme , theorem , thesis , thought , topic , client , customer , dependent , guinea pig * , liege , national , patient , serf , subordinate , vassal , matter , arena , bailiwick , circle , department , domain , field , orbit , province , realm , scene , terrain , territory , world , accountable , cause , conditional , contingent , dependant , discipline , disposed , expose , exposed , inferior , issue , liable , obedient , prone , propositus , submissive , submit , test
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