Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Anatomy . a hollow, pumplike organ of blood circulation, composed mainly of rhythmically contractile smooth muscle, located in the chest between the lungs and slightly to the left and consisting of four chambers
- a right atrium that receives blood returning from the body via the superior and inferior vena cavae, a right ventricle that pumps the blood through the pulmonary artery to the lungs for oxygenation, a left atrium that receives the oxygenated blood via the pulmonary veins and passes it through the mitral valve, and a left ventricle that pumps the oxygenated blood, via the aorta, throughout the body.
Zoology .
- the homologous structure in other vertebrates, consisting of four chambers in mammals and birds and three chambers in reptiles and amphibians.
- the analogous contractile structure in invertebrate animals, as the tubular heart of the spider and earthworm.
a conventional shape with rounded sides meeting in a point at the bottom and curving inward to a cusp at the top.
cross one's heart
- to maintain the truth of one's statement; affirm one's integrity
- That's exactly what they told me, I cross my heart!
eat one's heart out
- to have sorrow or longing dominate one's emotions; grieve inconsolably
- The children are eating their hearts out over their lost dog.
in one's heart of hearts
- in one's private thoughts or feelings; deep within one
- He knew, in his heart of hearts, that the news would be bad.
near one's heart
- of great interest or concern to one
- It is a cause that is very near his heart. Also, close to one's heart.
not have the heart
- to lack the necessary courage or callousness to do something
- No one had the heart to tell him he was through as an actor.
set one's heart against
- to be unalterably opposed to
- She had set her heart against selling the statue. Also, have one's heart set against.
set one's heart at rest
- to dismiss one's anxieties
- She couldn't set her heart at rest until she knew he had returned safely.
set one's heart on
- to wish for intensely; determine on
- She has set her heart on going to Europe after graduation. Also, have one's heart set on.
take heart
- to regain one's courage; become heartened
- Her son's death was a great blow, but she eventually took heart, convinced that God had willed it.
take or lay to heart
- to think seriously about; concern oneself with
- He took to heart his father's advice.
- to be deeply affected by; grieve over
- She was prone to take criticism too much to heart.
to one's heart's content
- until one is satisfied; as much or as long as one wishes
- The children played in the snow to their heart's content.
- affection , benevolence , character , compassion , concern , disposition , feeling , gusto , humanity , inclination , love , nature , palate , pity , relish , response , sensitivity , sentiment , soul , sympathy , temperament , tenderness , understanding , zest , boldness , bravery , dauntlessness , fortitude , gallantry , guts * , mettle , mind , moxie * , nerve , pluck , purpose , resolution , spirit , spunk * , will , basic , bosom , bottom line * , center , coal and ice , core , crux , focal point , focus , gist , hub , kernel , marrow , middle , nitty-gritty * , nub , nucleus , pith , polestar , quick * , quintessence , root , seat , cardiac organ , clock * , ticker , vascular organ , ticker* , breast , braveness , courageousness , doughtiness , fearlessness , gameness , intrepidity , intrepidness , pluckiness , stoutheartedness , undauntedness , valiance , valiancy , valiantness , valor , essence , meat , stuff , substance , headquarters , bottom , quick , cardia , conscience , interior
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