• Noun

    the act or fact of passing across or through; passage from one place to another.
    conveyance or transportation from one place to another, as of persons or goods, esp., local public transportation
    city transit. Compare mass transit
    a transition or change.
    Astronomy .
    the passage of a heavenly body across the meridian of a given location or through the field of a telescope.
    the passage of Mercury or Venus across the disk of the sun, or of a satellite or its shadow across the face of its primary.
    meridian circle.
    Astrology . the passage of a planet in aspect to another planet or a specific point in a horoscope.
    Surveying .
    Also called transit instrument. an instrument, as a theodolite, having a telescope that can be transited, used for measuring horizontal and sometimes vertical angles.
    a repeating transit theodolite.
    ( initial capital letter ) U.S. Aerospace . one of a series of satellites for providing positional data to ships and aircraft.

    Verb (used with object)

    to pass across or through.
    Surveying . to turn (the telescope of a transit) in a vertical plane in order to reverse direction; plunge.
    Astronomy . to cross (a meridian, celestial body, etc.).

    Verb (used without object)

    to pass over or through something; make a transit.
    Astronomy . to make a transit across a meridian, celestial body, etc.

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