Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Fine Arts .
- Painting . an expanse of color or tone that defines form or shape in general outline rather than in detail.
- a shape or three-dimensional volume that has or gives the illusion of having weight, density, and bulk.
pertaining to, involving, or affecting a large number of people
- mass unemployment; mass migrations; mass murder.
participated in or performed by a large number of people, esp. together in a group
- mass demonstrations; mass suicide.
reaching or designed to reach a large number of people
- television, newspapers, and other means of mass communication.
- accumulation , aggregate , assemblage , band , batch , block , bulk , bunch , chunk , clot , coagulation , collection , combination , concretion , conglomeration , core , corpus , crowd , entirety , gob , great deal , greater part , group , heap , horde , host , hunk , knot , lion’s share , load , lot , lump , majority , mob , mound , mountain , much , number , object , peck , piece , pile , plurality , preponderance , pyramid , quantity , shock , stack , staple , stockpile , sum , sum total , throng , totality , troop , volume , wad , whole , dimension , extent , greatness , magnitude , size , span , aggregation , amassment , congeries , cumulation , gathering , agglomeration , bank , cumulus , drift , hill , mess , tumble , abundance , plenty , profusion , wealth , world , crush , drove , flock , multitude , press , ruck , swarm , army , cloud , legion , score , preponderancy , amplitude , common , commonality , commoner , hoi polloi , pleb , plebeian , populace , public , third estate , accumulate , agglomerate , agglutination , assemble , bigness , blob , body , bundle , composition , congregate , congregation , consolidate , dimensions , gather , gross , jam , liturgy , matter , measurement , ponderosity , prayer , rite , service , spissitude , store , substance
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