• Verb (used without object)

    to make a clear musical sound, a series of such sounds, or a high-pitched, warbling sound by the forcible expulsion of the breath through a small opening formed by contracting the lips, or through the teeth, with the aid of the tongue.
    to make such a sound or series of sounds otherwise, as by blowing on some device.
    to emit similar sounds from the mouth, as birds do.
    (of a device) to produce a similar sound when actuated by steam or the like
    This teakettle whistles when it boils.
    to move, go, pass, etc., with a whistling or whizzing sound, as a bullet or the wind.

    Verb (used with object)

    to produce by whistling
    to whistle a tune.
    to call, direct, or signal by or as by whistling
    He whistled his dog over.
    to send with a whistling or whizzing sound.


    an instrument for producing whistling sounds by means of the breath, steam, etc., as a small wooden or tin tube, a pipe, or a similar device with an air chamber containing a small ball that oscillates when air is forced through an opening, producing a high-pitched, warbling tone.
    a sound produced by whistling
    a prolonged whistle of astonishment.
    a simple fipple flute. ?

    Verb phrase

    whistle for, to demand or expect without success
    After promising to pay, he told us we could whistle for our money.


    blow the whistle
    to expose the existence of mischief or wrongdoing
    The agent was taking bribes until someone finally blew the whistle.
    blow the whistle on
    to bring a stop to; halt
    Congress has blown the whistle on all unnecessary expenditures for the program.
    to expose (wrongdoing or wrongdoers)
    to blow the whistle on corruption in high places.
    wet one's whistle
    Informal . to take a drink.
    whistle in the dark
    to attempt to summon up one's courage or optimism in a difficult situation
    He says his business will improve next year, but he's probably just whistling in the dark.


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