• Younger

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    compar. of young.
    ( usually initial capital letter ) (used to designate the junior of two related persons bearing the same name)
    Charles the Younger ruled after his father abdicated.


    the junior of two persons in age (often used with a possessive pronoun)
    Her brother is seven years her younger.


    Thomas Coleman ( Cole ), 1844?1916, U.S. outlaw, associated with Jesse James.



    being in the first or early stage of life or growth; youthful; not old
    a young woman.
    having the appearance, freshness, vigor, or other qualities of youth.
    of or pertaining to youth
    in one's young days.
    inexperienced or immature.
    not far advanced in years in comparison with another or others.
    junior, as applied to the younger of two persons having the same name
    the young Mr. Smith.
    being in an early stage generally, as of existence, progress, operation, development, or maturity; new; early
    a young wine; It is a young company, not yet firmly established.
    representing or advocating recent or progressive tendencies, policies, or the like.


    those who have youth; young persons collectively
    the educated young of today; a game for young and old.
    young offspring
    a mother hen protecting her young.


    with young
    (of an animal) pregnant.

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