• Noun

    a male parent.
    a father-in-law, stepfather, or adoptive father.
    any male ancestor, esp. the founder of a race, family, or line; progenitor.
    a man who exercises paternal care over other persons; paternal protector or provider
    a father to the poor.
    a person who has originated or established something
    the father of modern psychology; the founding fathers.
    a precursor, prototype, or early form
    The horseless carriage was the father of the modern automobile.
    one of the leading men in a city, town, etc.
    a scandal involving several of the city fathers.
    Chiefly British . the oldest member of a society, profession, etc. Compare dean 1 ( def. 3 ) .
    a priest.
    ( initial capital letter ) Theology . the Supreme Being and Creator; God.
    a title of respect for an elderly man.
    the Father, Theology . the first person of the Trinity.
    Also called church father. Church History . any of the chief early Christian writers, whose works are the main sources for the history, doctrines, and observances of the church in the early ages.
    Ecclesiastical .
    ( often initial capital letter ) a title of reverence, as for church dignitaries, officers of monasteries, monks, confessors, and esp. priests.
    a person bearing this title.
    fathers, Roman History . conscript fathers.

    Verb (used with object)

    to beget.
    to be the creator, founder, or author of; originate.
    to act as a father toward.
    to acknowledge oneself the father of.
    to assume as one's own; take the responsibility of.
    to charge with the begetting of.

    Verb (used without object)

    to perform the tasks or duties of a male parent; act paternally
    Somehow he was able to write a book while fathering.



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