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    Dòng 12: Dòng 12:
    =====Quặng sạch; quặng thương phẩm=====
    =====Quặng sạch; quặng thương phẩm=====
    ===Hình Thái Từ===
    *Ved : [[Stuffed]]
    *Ving: [[Stuffing]]
    == Giao thông & vận tải==
    == Giao thông & vận tải==

    00:43, ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2007

    /Phiên âm này đang chờ bạn hoàn thiện/

    Thông dụng

    Danh từ

    Quặng sạch; quặng thương phẩm

    Hình Thái Từ

    Giao thông & vận tải

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    bốc xếp

    Hóa học & vật liệu

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    vật phẩm

    Nguồn khác

    • stuff : Chlorine Online

    Xây dựng

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    vật nét

    Kỹ thuật chung

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    bể chứa bột
    Stuff Bit ID (SBID)
    nhận dạng bít nhồi
    gắn matít
    gắn xi măng
    vật liệu
    fine stuff
    vật liệu hoàn thiện
    loose stuff
    vật liệu xốp
    raw stuff
    vật liệu ban đầu
    vật độn
    vật liệu đệm
    vật liệu độn
    vữa trát
    fine stuff
    vữa tinh (vữa trát ngoài)

    Kinh tế

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    dye stuff
    chất màu
    ship stuff
    bột chất lượng thấp (nhiều cám)
    sweet stuff
    chất ngọt
    chất liệu
    nạp nhân
    sản phẩm
    feeding stuff
    sản phẩm ăn được
    feeding stuff
    sản phẩm thực phẩm
    vật liệu

    Nguồn khác

    • stuff : Corporateinformation

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Substance, material, matter, fabric, ingredients, essence,essentials, fundamentals, building blocks, makings: This is thestuff that dreams are made on. Is hydrogen the basic stuff ofthe universe? 2 equipment, goods, gear, trappings, kit, tackle,accessories, paraphernalia, accoutrements or US alsoaccouterments, effects, belongings, possessions, things, bitsand pieces, impedimenta, baggage, property, chattels, furniture,Brit lumber, Colloq junk, rubbish, crap, Brit clobber, Tabooslang shit: Graham left all his stuff with his mother when hewent west.
    Spirit, attitude, grit, substance, makings,talent(s), abilities, capabilities, qualities, attributes: IsSimon the stuff of which commandos are made?
    Nonsense, trash,rubbish, stuff and nonsense, twaddle, humbug, bunkum, tommy-rot,balderdash, Colloq rot, garbage, bunk, tripe, poppycock, crap,malarkey, boloney or baloney, bosh, hogwash, swill, claptrap,piffle, hot air, flapdoodle, fiddle-faddle, codswallop, bull, UShorse feathers, Taboo slang bullshit, horseshit: You don'tbelieve all that stuff you've been reading about me, do you? 5creations, accomplishments, things, works, materials, matter:Without the attributions, I'd have trouble telling their stuffapart.
    Jam, ram, cram, crowd, compress, pack, press, squeeze,squash, shove, thrust, force: You couldn't stuff anotherhandkerchief into that suitcase.
    Line, fill, pack: Stuff thechicken with the following mixture.
    Overeat, gorge,overindulge, gormandize, gluttonize, Colloq make a pig or a hogof oneself: They really stuffed themselves at the weddingreception.
    Stuff up. clog, plug, obstruct, choke, block (up),stop or US also pack up: Phone the plumber: the drain isstuffed up again. The cold had given her a headache and astuffed-up nose.


    N. & v.

    The material that a thing is made of; materialthat may be used for some purpose.
    A substance or things orbelongings of an indeterminate kind or a quality not needing tobe specified (there's a lot of stuff about it in thenewspapers).
    A particular knowledge or activity (know one'sstuff).
    Woollen fabric (esp. as distinct from silk, cotton,and linen).
    Valueless matter, trash, refuse, nonsense (takethat stuff away).
    (prec. by the) a colloq. an availablesupply of something, esp. drink or drugs. b sl. money.
    Tr. pack (a receptacle) tightly (stuff a cushion with feathers;a head stuffed with weird notions).
    Tr. (foll. by in, into)force or cram (a thing) (stuffed the socks in the drawer).
    Tr. fill out the skin of (an animal or bird etc.) with materialto restore the original shape (a stuffed owl).
    Tr. fill(poultry etc.) with a savoury or sweet mixture, esp. beforecooking.
    A tr. & refl. fill (a person or oneself) with food.b tr. & intr. eat greedily.
    Tr. push, esp. hastily orclumsily (stuffed the note behind the cushion).
    Tr. (usu. inpassive; foll. by up) block up (a person's nose etc.).
    Tr.sl. (esp. as an expression of contemptuous dismissal) disposeof as unwanted (you can stuff the job).
    Tr. US place bogusvotes in (a ballot-box).
    Tr. coarse sl. offens. havesexual intercourse with (a woman).
    Stuffer n. (also in comb.). [ME stoffe f. OF estoffe (n.),estoffer (v.) equip, furnish f. Gk stupho draw together]

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