N. & v.
N. (pl. wolves) 1 a wild flesh-eating tawny-greymammal related to the dog, esp. Canis lupus, preying on sheepetc. and hunting in packs.
Mus. a a jarring sound fromsome notes in a bowed instrument. b an out-of-tune effect whenplaying certain chords on old organs (before the present equaltemperament was in use).
Cry wolf raise repeated false alarms (so thata genuine one is disregarded). have (or hold) a wolf by theears be in a precarious position. keep the wolf from the dooravert hunger or starvation. lone wolf a person who prefers toact alone. throw to the wolves sacrifice without compunction.wolf-cub 1 a young wolf.
Brit. the former name for a CubScout. wolf-fish any large voracious blenny of the genusAnarrhichas. wolf in sheeps clothing a hostile person whopretends friendship. wolf-pack an attacking group of submarinesor aircraft. wolfs-milk spurge. wolf-spider anyground-dwelling spider of the family Lycosidae, hunting insteadof trapping its prey. wolf-whistle n. a sexually admiringwhistle by a man to a woman.
Wolfish adj. wolfishly adv. wolflike adj. & adv. [OE wulff. Gmc]
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