• Revision as of 11:36, ngày 9 tháng 12 năm 2007 by Lunapark (Thảo luận | đóng góp)
    /Phiên âm này đang chờ bạn hoàn thiện/

    Thông dụng

    Danh từ

    Chúa tể, vua
    lord of the manor
    chủ trang viên
    lord of the region
    chúa tể cả vùng
    Vua (tư bản độc quyền nắm một ngành nào)
    steel lord
    vua thép
    Chúa, Thiên chúa
    Lord bless us
    cầu Chúa phù hộ chúng ta
    Ngài, tướng công (tiếng tôn xưng người quý tộc, người có chức tước lớn, thượng nghị viện...)
    My Lord
    ngài, tướng công
    The Lords
    các thượng nghị sĩ Anh, thượng nghị viện Anh
    Huân tước
    Lord quan chức cao cấp
    the First Lord of the Admiralty
    bộ trưởng Bộ Hải quân Anh
    the Lord Mayor
    ngài thị trưởng Luân Đôn
    (thơ ca); (đùa cợt) đức ông chồng, đức lang quân ( (cũng) lord and master)
    drunk as a lord

    Xem drunk

    good Lord!
    trời ơi là trời!
    Lord knows
    chỉ có trời biết!
    year of our Lord
    năm dương lịch
    to live like a lord

    Xem live

    Ngoại động từ

    Phong tước, ban tước, cho vào hàng quý tộc

    Nội động từ

    To lord over; to lord it over sb khống chế, sai khiến, sai bảo; ra oai, làm ra vẻ bề trên, hống hách
    to be lorded over
    bị khống chế, bị đè đầu cưỡi cổ

    Hình thái từ

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Master, monarch, ruler, sovereign: Harry considershimself lord of all he surveys.
    Noble, nobleman, peer,aristocrat; earl, duke, count, viscount, baron: He was made alord in recognition of his achievements.
    The or Our Lord.God, the Almighty, God Almighty, the Creator, the Supreme Being,Christ, Jesus, Jehovah: The Lord moves in mysterious ways hismiracles to perform.
    V. lord it over. domineer, swagger, be overbearing, Colloqboss (around), act big, pull rank: He lords it over everyone inthe office.


    N., int., & v.

    A master or ruler.
    Hist. a feudalsuperior, esp. of a manor.
    A peer of the realm or a personentitled to the title Lord, esp. a marquess, earl, viscount, orbaron.
    (Lord) (often prec. by the) a name for God or Christ.5 (Lord) a prefixed as the designation of a marquis, earl,viscount, or baron. b prefixed to the Christian name of theyounger son of a duke or marquis. c (the Lords) = House ofLords.
    Astrol. the ruling planet (of a sign, house, orchart).
    Int. (Lord) expressing surprise, dismay, etc.
    V.tr. confer the title of Lord upon.
    Live like a lord livesumptuously. Lord Advocate the principal law-officer of theCrown in Scotland. Lord Bishop the ceremonious title of anybishop. Lord Chamberlain see CHAMBERLAIN. Lord (or Lord High)Chancellor (in the UK) the highest officer of the Crown,presiding in the House of Lords etc. Lord Chief Justice (in theUK) the president of the Queen's Bench Division. lord it overdomineer. Lord Lieutenant 1 (in the UK) the chief executiveauthority and head of magistrates in each county.
    Hist. theviceroy of Ireland. Lord Mayor the title of the mayor in Londonand some other large cities. Lord Ordinary see ORDINARY n.
    .lord over (usu. in passive) domineer, rule over. Lord Presidentof the Council (in the UK) the cabinet minister presiding at thePrivy Council. Lord Privy Seal (in the UK) a senior cabinetminister without official duties. Lord Provost the head of amunicipal corporation or borough in certain Scottish cities.lords and ladies wild arum. Lords Commissioners the members ofa board performing the duties of a high State office put incommission. Lord's Day Sunday. Lords of Session the judges ofthe Scottish Court of Session. Lord's Prayer the Our Father,the prayer taught by Christ to his disciples. Lords spiritualthe bishops in the House of Lords. Lord's Supper the Eucharist.Lords temporal the members of the House of Lords other than thebishops. Our Lord a name for Christ. Sea Lord a naval memberof the Admiralty Board.
    Lordless adj. lordlike adj. [OEhlaford f. hlafweard = bread-keeper (as LOAF(1), WARD)]

    Tham khảo chung

    • lord : National Weather Service
    • lord : Corporateinformation
    • lord : Chlorine Online
    • lord : Foldoc

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