Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a hollow instrument of cast metal, typically cup-shaped with a flaring mouth, suspended from the vertex and rung by the strokes of a clapper, hammer, or the like.
the large end of a funnel, or the end of a pipe, tube, or any musical wind instrument, when its edge is turned out and enlarged.
ring a bell, to evoke a memory
- esp. a vague or partial recollection; remind one of something
- His name rings a bell but I can't remember him.
ring the bell
- to provide what is desired; be satisfactory or successful
- This new book rings the bell with teenagers.
- alarm , buzz , buzzer , carillon , chime , clapper , curfew , ding-dong , dinger , gong , peal , ringer , siren , tintinnabulum , tocsin , toll , vesper , angelus , beautiful , belfry , bellow , blossom , call , campana , campanile , campanology , church bell , corolla , cow , flare , knell , ring , roar , school bell , swell , tintinnabulation , tolling
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