• Build-up

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a building up, as of military forces; increase in amount or number.
    a process of growth; strengthening; development
    the buildup of heavy industry.
    an accumulation, as of a particular type of material
    a buildup of salt deposits.
    an increase, as in potential, intensity, or pressure
    A buildup of suspense began halfway through the movie.
    a progressive or sequential development
    the buildup of helium atoms from hydrogen.
    praise or publicity designed to enhance a reputation or popularize someone or something
    The studio spent
    a process of preparation designed to make possible the achievement of an ultimate objective
    a lengthy buildup to a sales pitch.
    encouragement; a psychological lift
    Every time I need a buildup, I look at her picture.

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