Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Baseball .
- to deliver or serve (the ball) to the batter.
- to fill the position of pitcher in (a game)
- He pitched a no-hitter. He pitched a good game.
- to choose or assign as a pitcher for a game
- The manager pitched Greene the next night.
Cards .
- to lead (a card of a particular suit), thereby fixing that suit as trump.
- to determine (the trump) in this manner.
Verb (used without object)
Baseball .
- to deliver or serve the ball to the batter.
- to fill the position of pitcher
- He pitched for the Mets last year.
(of a rocket or guided missile) to deviate from a stable flight attitude by oscillations of the longitudinal axis in a vertical plane about the center of gravity.
(in music, speech, etc.) the degree of height or depth of a tone or of sound, depending upon the relative rapidity of the vibrations by which it is produced.
Music . the particular tonal standard with which given tones may be compared in respect to their relative level.
Baseball . the serving of the ball to the batter by the pitcher, usually preceded by a windup or stretch.
Informal .
- a high-pressure sales talk
- The salesman made his pitch for the new line of dresses.
- a specific plan of action; angle
- to tackle a problem again, using a new pitch.
the specific location in which a person or object is placed or stationed; allotted or assigned place.
Chiefly British . the established location, often a street corner, of a beggar, street peddler, newspaper vendor, etc.
Aeronautics .
- the nosing of an airplane or spacecraft up or down about a transverse axis.
- the distance that a given propeller would advance in one revolution.
(of a rocket or guided missile)
- the motion due to pitching.
- the extent of the rotation of the longitudinal axis involved in pitching.
Also called plunge. Geology . the inclination of a linear feature, as the axis of a fold or an oreshoot, from the horizontal.
Machinery .
- the distance between the corresponding surfaces of two adjacent gear teeth measured either along the pitch circle (circular pitch) or between perpendiculars to the root surfaces (normal pitch).
- the ratio of the number of teeth in a gear or splined shaft to the pitch circle diameter, expressed in inches.
- the distance between any two adjacent things in a series, as screw threads, rivets, etc.
Verb phrases
pitch in, Informal .
- to begin to work in earnest and vigorously
- If I really pitch in, I may be able to finish the paper before the deadline.
- to contribute to a common cause; join in
- When they took up a collection for the annual dinner, he promised to pitch in.
- angle , cant , degree , dip , gradient , height , incline , level , point , slant , slope , steepnessnotes:to put up a tent is to pitch it; to take down a tent is to strike itpitch is movement up and down and yaw is movement side to side on a ship , airplane , or other conveyance , frequency , harmonic , modulation , rate , sound , timbrenotes:to put up a tent is to pitch it; to take down a tent is to strike itpitch is movement up and down and yaw is movement side to side on a ship , patter * , persuasion , sales talk , song and dance * , spiel *notes:to put up a tent is to pitch it; to take down a tent is to strike itpitch is movement up and down and yaw is movement side to side on a ship , cast , fling , heave , hurl , launch , shy , sling , toss , dive , nosedive , plunge , spill , tumble , decline , declivity , descent , fall , depth , ferociousness , ferocity , fierceness , fury , severity , vehemence , vehemency , violence , advertisement , ballyhoo , buildup , publicity , puffery
- bung , cast , chuck * , fire , fling , gun , heave , launch , lob , peg , sling , toss , unseatnotes:to put up a tent is to pitch it; to take down a tent is to strike itpitch is movement up and down and yaw is movement side to side on a ship , airplane , or other conveyance , fix , locate , place , plant , raise , settle , set up , stationnotes:to put up a tent is to pitch it; to take down a tent is to strike itpitch is movement up and down and yaw is movement side to side on a ship , ascend , bend , bicker , careen , descend , dip , drive , drop , fall , flounder , go down , lean , lunge , lurch , plunge , rise , rock , seesaw , slope , slump , stagger , tilt , topple , tumble , vault , wallow , welter , yawnotes:to put up a tent is to pitch it; to take down a tent is to strike itpitch is movement up and down and yaw is movement side to side on a ship , dart , dash , hurl , hurtle , shoot , shy , put up , rear , upraise , uprear , nose-dive , spill , roll , yaw , decline , sink , ballyhoo , build up , cry , popularize , promote , publicize , talk up
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