• Defenseless

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    resistance against attack; protection
    Two more regiments are needed for the defense of the city.
    something that defends, as a fortification, physical or mental quality, or medication
    This fort was once the main defense of the island.
    the defending of a cause or the like by speech, argument, etc.
    He spoke in defense of the nation's foreign policy.
    a speech, argument, etc., in vindication
    She delivered a defense of free enterprise.
    Law .
    the denial or pleading of the defendant in answer to the claim or charge that has been made.
    the proceedings adopted by a defendant, or the defendant's legal agents, for defending against the charges that have been made.
    a defendant and his or her counsel.
    Psychology . defense mechanism ( def. 2 ) .
    Sports .
    the practice or art of defending oneself or one's goal against attack, as in fencing, boxing, soccer, or football.
    the team attempting to thwart the attack of the team having the ball or puck.
    the players of a team who line up in their own defensive zone.
    the positions on the field, ice, etc., taken by such players.
    ( initial capital letter ) Also called Defense Department. Informal . the Department of Defense.

    Verb (used with object)

    Sports . to defend against (an opponent, play, or tactic).


    powerful , strong

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