Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- bald , bareskinned , denuded , disrobed , divested , exposed , in one’s birthday suit , naked , nude , peeled , shorn , stripped , unclad , unclothed , uncovered , undressed , unrobednotes:bare is to uncover or reveal or to expose; bear is to hold up , support , transport - or an animal , arid , barren , blank , bleak , clear , desert , desolate , empty , lacking , mean , open , poor , scanty , scarce , stark , unfurnished , vacant , vacuous , void , wantingnotes:bare is to uncover or reveal or to expose; bear is to hold up , austere , basic , blunt , chaste , cold , essential , hard , literal , meager , mere , modest , scant , severe , sheer , simple , spare , unembellished , unornamentednotes:bare is to uncover or reveal or to expose; bear is to hold up , au naturel , dry , plain , unadorned , unvarnished , alone , barefooted , denudate , denudative , destitute , discalced , in puris naturalibus , manifest , meer , minimum , napless , pileworn , threadbare , uncolored , undraped , unveiled
- disclose , divulge , exhibit , expose , publish , show , uncover , unroll , unveilnotes:bare is to uncover or reveal or to expose; bear is to hold up , support , transport - or an animal , denude , disrobe , divest , strip , display , unclothe , unmask , unveil , all , alone , austere , bald , barren , callow , clear , cold , defenseless , denudate , desolate , divert , empty , exposed , meager , mere , naked , nude , paltry , plain , reveal , scanty , simple , stark , stripped , threadbare , unadorned , unarmed , unclad , uncovered , undraped , undress , unfurnished , worn , worthless
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