• Eat out

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used with object)

    to take into the mouth and swallow for nourishment; chew and swallow (food).
    to consume by or as if by devouring gradually; wear away; corrode
    The patient was eaten by disease and pain.
    to make (a hole, passage, etc.), as by gnawing or corrosion.
    to ravage or devastate
    a forest eaten by fire.
    to use up, esp. wastefully; consume (often fol. by up )
    Unexpected expenses have been eating up their savings.
    to absorb or pay for
    The builder had to eat the cost of the repairs.

    Verb (used without object)

    to consume food; take a meal
    We'll eat at six o'clock.
    to make a way, as by gnawing or corrosion
    Acid ate through the linoleum.


    eats, Informal . food. ?

    Verb phrases

    eat away or into, to destroy gradually, as by erosion
    For eons, the pounding waves ate away at the shoreline.
    eat out, to have a meal at a restaurant rather than at home.
    eat up,
    to consume wholly.
    to show enthusiasm for; take pleasure in
    The audience ate up everything he said.
    to believe without question. ?


    be eating someone, Informal . to worry, annoy
    or bother
    Something seems to be eating himhe's been wearing a frown all day.
    eat crow. crow 1 ( def. 7 ) .
    eat high off the hog. hog ( def. 9 ) .
    eat humble pie. humble pie ( def. 3 ) .
    eat in
    to eat or dine at home.
    eat one's heart out. heart ( def. 24 ) .
    eat one's terms. term ( def. 17 ) .
    eat one's words. word ( def. 15 ) .
    eat out of one's hand. hand ( def. 49 ) .
    eat someone out of house and home
    to eat so much as to strain someone's resources of food or money
    A group of hungry teenagers can eat you out of house and home.
    eat someone's lunch, Slang . to thoroughly defeat, outdo, injure
    eat the wind out of
    Nautical . to blanket (a sailing vessel sailing close-hauled) by sailing close on the weather side of.

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