Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
- achieve , act , be engaged in , behave , bring about , bring off , carry through , carry to completion , complete , comply , deliver the goods , discharge , dispose of , do , do justice to , do to a turn , effect , end , enforce , execute , finish , fulfill , function , go that route , implement , meet , move , observe , operate , percolate , perk , pull off * , put through , react , realize , run with the ball , satisfy , take , take care of business , tick , transact , wind up , work , act out , appear as , be on , bring down the house , discourse , display , do a number , do a turn , dramatize , emote , enact , exhibit , give , go on , ham * , ham it up * , impersonate , offer , personate , play , playact , present , produce , put on , render , represent , show , stage , tread the boards * , prosecute , exercise , keep , play-act , portray , accomplish , at , exert , furnish , gesture
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