Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Verb (used without object)
Verb phrases
between two fires
- under physical or verbal attack from two or more sides simultaneously
- The senator is between two fires because of his stand on the bill.
build a fire under, Informal . to cause or urge to take action, make a decision quickly
- or work faster
- If somebody doesn't build a fire under that committee, it will never reach a decision.
catch fire
- Also, catch on fire. to become ignited; burn
- The sofa caught fire from a lighted cigarette.
- to create enthusiasm
- His new book did not catch fire among his followers.
hang fire
- to be delayed in exploding, or fail to explode.
- to be undecided, postponed, or delayed
- The new housing project is hanging fire because of concerted opposition.
miss fire
- to fail to explode or discharge, as a firearm.
- to fail to produce the desired effect; be unsuccessful
- He repeated the joke, but it missed fire the second time.
on fire
- ignited; burning; afire.
- eager; ardent; zealous
- They were on fire to prove themselves in competition.
play with fire
- to trifle with a serious or dangerous matter
- He didn't realize that insulting the border guards was playing with fire.
set fire to
- to cause to burn; ignite.
- to excite; arouse; inflame
- The painting set fire to the composer's imagination. Also, set on fire.
- blaze , bonfire , campfire , charring , coals , combustion , conflagration , devouring , element , embers , flame and smoke , flames , flare , glow , hearth , heat , holocaust , hot spot , incandescence , inferno , luminosity , oxidation , phlogiston , pyre , rapid oxidation , scintillation , scorching , sea of flames , searing , sparks , tinder , up in smoke , warmth , attack , bombarding , bombardment , bombing , cannonade , cannonading , crossfire , explosion , fusillade , hail , round , salvo , shelling , sniping , volley , ardor , brio , calenture , dash , drive , eagerness , lan , energy , enthusiasm , excitement , exhilaration , fervency , fervor , force , ginger , gusto , heartiness , impetuosity , intensity , life , light , liveliness , luster , passion , pep * , punch * , radiance , red heat * , snap * , sparkle , spirit , splendor , starch , verve , vim , virtuosity , vivacity , white heat * , zeal , zing , zip , flame , flare-up , zealousness , brilliance , brilliancy , genius , inspiration , balefire , beacon , burning , deflagration , feu de joie_ , ignition , spontaneous combustion
- enkindle , ignite , kindle , light , put a match to , set ablaze , set aflame , set alight , set fire to , set on fire , start a fire , touch off * , cast , discharge , eject , explode , fling , heave , hurl , launch , let off * , loose , pitch , pull trigger , set off * , shell , shoot , toss , animate , electrify , enliven , enthuse , exalt , galvanize , heighten , impassion , incite , inflame , inform , inspire , inspirit , intensify , intoxicate , irritate , provoke , quicken , rouse , stir , thrill , ax * , boot * , can * , drop , expel , give bum’s rush , give marching orders , give one notice , give pink slip , give the sack , hand walking papers , kick out * , lay off , let one go , oust , pink slip * , sack * , terminate , blast , blow , burst , detonate , fulminate , go off , touch off , hurtle , project , propel , dart , dash , shy , sling , cashier , release
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