• Noun

    the height to which something is elevated or to which it rises
    The elevation of the tower is 80 feet.
    the altitude of a place above sea level or ground level.
    an elevated place, thing, or part; an eminence.
    loftiness; grandeur or dignity; nobleness
    elevation of mind.
    the act of elevating.
    the state of being elevated.
    Architecture . a drawing or design that represents an object or structure as being projected geometrically on a vertical plane parallel to one of its sides.
    Surveying .
    Also called angle of elevation. the angle between the line from an observer or instrument to an object above the observer or instrument and a horizontal line.
    the distance above a datum level.
    the ability of a dancer to stay in the air while executing a step or the height thus attained.
    the Elevation, Roman Catholic Church . the lifting by the celebrant of the Eucharistic elements immediately after consecration, for adoration by the communicants.



    acclivity , altitude , ascent , boost , eminence , heave , hill , hillock , hoist , levitation , mountain , platform , ridge , rise , roof , top , uplift , [[upthrownotes:an elevation is a two-dimensional scale drawing of something as if one were viewing it from one side; a section is a two-dimensional scale drawing of one part or detail of an object or structure; and a plan is a two-dimensional scale drawing showing the view of an object or structure as if one were looking down on it from above]] , aggrandizement , apotheosis , deification , ennoblement , exaltation , exaltedness , glorification , grandeur , immortalization , lionization , loftiness , magnification , nobility , nobleness , preference , preferment , prelation , raise , sublimity , [[upgradingnotes:an elevation is a two-dimensional scale drawing of something as if one were viewing it from one side; a section is a two-dimensional scale drawing of one part or detail of an object or structure; and a plan is a two-dimensional scale drawing showing the view of an object or structure as if one were looking down on it from above]] , height , jump , promotion , upgrade , advancement , dignity , prominence

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