Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used without object)
Architecture, Building Trades .
- the measured height of any of various things, as a roof, a flight of steps, a stair step, or the crown of a road.
- the measured height of an arch from the springing line to the highest point of the intrados.
get a rise out of
- Informal .
- to provoke, as to action or anger.
- to evoke the expected or desired response from.
give rise to
- to originate; produce; cause
- The Industrial Revolution gave rise to accelerated urbanization.
- acceleration , accession , accretion , addition , advance , advancement , aggrandizement , ascent , augmentation , boost , breakthrough , climb , distention , doubling , enlargement , growth , heightening , hike , increment , inflation , intensification , intensifying , multiplication , piling up , progress , promotion , raise , stacking up , step-up , surge , swell , upgrade , upsurge , upswing , upturn , waxingnotes:to raise is \'to bring something up\'; to rise is \'to get up\' , acclivity , ascension , elevation , eminence , highland , hillock , incline , lift , mount , rising , rising ground , soaring , towering , upland , upsurgenotes:to raise is \'to bring something up\'; to rise is \'to get up\' , prominence , amplification , augment , buildup , escalation , jump , proliferation
- arise , arouse , aspire , awake , be erect , be located , be situated , blast off * , bob up , climb , come up , get out of bed , get steeper , get to one’s feet , go uphill , grow , have foundation , levitate , lift , mount , move up , pile out * , push up , reach up , rise and shine * , rise up , rocket , roll out * , rouse , scale , sit up , slope upwards , soar , sprout , stand up , straighten up , surface , surge , surmount , sweep upward , tower , turn out , up * , upspringnotes:to raise is \'to bring something up\'; to rise is \'to get up\' , accelerate , add to , advance , aggravate , ascend , augment , billow , build , bulge , deepen , distend , double , enhance , enlarge , expand , go through the roof , go up , heighten , improve , inflate , intensate , intensify , magnify , multiply , perk up , pick up , pile up , raise , redouble , speed up , spread , stack up , swell , take off , upsurge , waxnotes:to raise is \'to bring something up\'; to rise is \'to get up\' , be elevated , be promoted , better oneself , climb the ladder , flourish , get on , get somewhere , go places , progress , prosper , succeed , thrive , work one’s way upnotes:to raise is \'to bring something up\'; to rise is \'to get up\' , appear , befall , begin , betide , chance , come , crop up , dawn , derive , develop , emanate , emerge , eventuate , fall out * , flare up , flow , go , happen , head , issue , loom , occur , originate , proceed , spring , stem , transpire , turn up *notes:to raise is \'to bring something up\'; to rise is \'to get up\' , insurrect , mutiny , resist , revolt , riot , take up armsnotes:to raise is \'to bring something up\'; to rise is \'to get up\' , get up , stand , uprise , upspring , pile , roll out , aggrandize , amplify , boost , build up , burgeon , escalate , extend , proliferate , run up , snowball , wax , arrive , get ahead , go far
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