Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Noun, plural geniuses for 2, 3, 8, genii
an exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and original work in science, art, music, etc.
a person having an extraordinarily high intelligence rating on a psychological test, as an IQ above 140.
either of two mutually opposed spirits, one good and the other evil, supposed to attend a person throughout life.
- ability , accomplishment , acumen , acuteness , adept , aptitude , aptness , astuteness , bent , brain , brilliance , capability , capacity , creativity , discernment , einstein , endowment , expert , faculty , flair , grasp , head , imagination , inclination , ingenuity , inspiration , intelligence , inventiveness , knack , mature , originality , percipience , perspicacity , power , precocity , prodigy , propensity , prowess , reach , sagacity , superability , talent , turn , understanding , virtuoso , wisdom , brilliancy , gift , instinct , disposition , genius loci , insight , intellect , mastermind , whiz , wizard
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