Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
the upper part of the body in humans, joined to the trunk by the neck, containing the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
the head considered as the center of the intellect, as of thought, memory, understanding, or emotional control; mind; brain
a person to whom others are subordinate, as the director of an institution or the manager of a department; leader or chief.
Botany .
- any dense flower cluster or inflorescence.
- any other compact part of a plant, usually at the top of the stem, as that composed of leaves in the cabbage or lettuce, of leafstalks in the celery, or of flower buds in the cauliflower.
one of the chief parts or points of a written or oral discourse; a main division of a subject, theme, or topic.
Slang .
- a habitual user of a drug, esp. LSD or marijuana (often used in combination)
- feds versus the heads; an acid-head; a pothead.
- a fan or devotee (usually used in combination)
- a punk-rock head; a chili head.
Nautical .
- the forepart of a vessel; bow.
- the upper edge of a quadrilateral sail.
- the upper corner of a jib-headed sail.
- that part of the upper end of one spar of a mast that is overlapped by a spar above; a doubling at the upper end of a spar.
- that part of the upper end of a mast between the highest standing rigging and the truck.
- crown ( def. 28 ) .
Grammar .
- the member of an endocentric construction that belongs to the same form class and may play the same grammatical role as the construction itself.
- the member upon which another depends and to which it is subordinate. In former presidents, presidents is head and former is modifier.
Machinery . any of various devices on machine tools for holding, moving, indexing, or changing tools or work, as the headstock or turret of a lathe.
Also called pressure head. Hydraulics .
- the vertical distance between two points in a liquid, as water, or some other fluid
- the pressure differential resulting from this separation, expressed in terms of the vertical distance between the points.
- the pressure of a fluid expressed in terms of the height of a column of liquid yielding an equivalent pressure.
Also called magnetic head. Electronics . the part or parts of a tape recorder that record, play back, or erase magnetic signals on magnetic tape. Compare erasing head , playback head , recording head .
Verb (used without object)
get one's head together, Slang . to have one's actions, thoughts
- or emotions under control or in order
- If he'd get his head together, maybe he'd get to work on time.
give someone his or her head
- to permit someone to do as he or she likes; allow someone freedom of choice
- She wanted to go away to college, and her parents gave her her head.
go to someone's head
- to make someone dizzy or drunk; overcome one with excitement
- Power went to his head. The brandy went to his head.
- to make someone conceited or self-important
- Success went to his head.
hang one's head
- to become dejected or ashamed
- When he realized what an unkind thing he had done, he hung his head in shame. Also, hide one's head.
head and shoulders
- far better, more qualified, etc.; superior
- In intelligence, he was head and shoulders above the rest of the children in the class.
- Archaic . by force.
head over heels
- headlong, as in a somersault
- He tripped and fell head over heels into the gully.
- intensely; completely
- head over heels in love.
- impulsively; carelessly
- They plunged head over heels into the fighting.
keep one's head, to remain calm or poised
- as in the midst of crisis or confusion
- It was fortunate that someone kept his head and called a doctor.
keep one's head above water
- to remain financially solvent
- Despite their debts, they are managing to keep their heads above water.
lay or put heads together, to meet in order to discuss, consult
- or scheme
- Neither of them had enough money for a tour of Europe, so they put their heads together and decided to find jobs there.
lose one's head
- to become uncontrolled or wildly excited
- When he thought he saw an animal in the underbrush, he lost his head and began shooting recklessly.
make heads roll
- to exert authority by firing or dismissing employees or subordinates
- He made heads roll as soon as he took office.
not make head or tail of
- to be unable to understand or decipher
- We couldn't make head or tail of the strange story. Also, not make heads or tails of.
one's head off
- extremely; excessively
- We screamed our heads off at that horror movie. He laughed his head off at the monkey's antics.
on one's head
- as one's responsibility or fault
- Because of his reckless driving he now has the deaths of three persons on his head.
over one's head
- beyond one's comprehension, ability, or resources
- The classical allusion went right over his head.
- beyond one's financial resources or ability to pay
- He's lost over his head in that poker game.
over someone's head
- to appeal to someone having a superior position or prior claim
- She went over her supervisor's head and complained to a vice president.
- arch , champion , first , foremost , front , highest , leading , main , pioneer , preeminent , premier , prime , principal , stellar , supreme , topmost , chief
- attic * , belfry * , brain , coconut , cranium , crown , dome * , gray matter , noggin * , noodle , pate , scalp , skull , thinker * , think tank * , top story , upper story , upstairs , boss , captain , chief , chieftain , commander , commanding officer , director , dominator , executive , honcho * , lead-off person , manager , officer , president , principal , superintendent , supervisor , top dog , apex , banner , beak , bill , cap , cork , crest , heading , headline , height , peak , pitch , point , promontory , streamer , summit , tip , vertex , commencement , first place , fore , forefront , fountainhead , origin , rise , source , start , van , vanguard , aptitude , aptness , bent , brains , capacity , faculty , flair , genius , gift , intellect , knack , mentality , mind , talent , thought , turn , understanding , acme , climax , conclusion , crisis , culmination , end , noddle , poll , instinct , headman , hierarch , leader , master , foreman , foreperson , forewoman , overseer , taskmaster , taskmistress , froth , lather , spume , suds , yeast , climacteric , crossroad , exigence , exigency , juncture , pass , turning point , zero hour
- address , be first , be in charge , command , control , direct , dominate , go first , govern , guide , hold sway over , lead , lead the way , pioneer , precede , rule , run , supervise , administrate , manage , superintend , cast , level , point , set , train , turn , zero in , go , make , set out , strike out
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