Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Verb (used without object)
Nautical . a point of sailing in which the wind is within a few points of the beam, either forward of the beam (close reach), directly abeam (beam reach), or abaft the beam (broad reach).
- ability , ambit , capacity , command , compass , distance , extension , gamut , grasp , horizon , influence , jurisdiction , ken , latitude , magnitude , mastery , orbit , play , power , purview , radius , scope , spread , sweep , swing , length , span , stretch , range , extent , realm , sphere , expansion , space
- arrive , attain , catch up to , check in , clock in , come , come to , enter , gain on , get as far as , get in , get to , hit , hit town , land , make , make it , make the scene , overtake , ring in , roll in , show , show up , sign in , turn up , wind up at , approach , buck , carry to , come at , come up to , contact , continue to , encompass , end , equal , extend to , feel for , get a hold of , get hold of , go , go as far as , go on , go to , grasp , hand , hold out , join , lead , lunge , make contact with , pass , pass along , put out , roll on , seize , shake hands , shoot , span , spread , stand , strain , strike , accomplish , achieve , amount to , arrive at , climb to , drop , fall , gain , move , rack up * , realize , score , sink , win , affect , get , get in touch , get through , influence , keep in contact , keep in touch , maintain , sway , touch , outstretch , stretch , carry , run , pull in , aggregate , number , run into , total , ambit , amount , compass , expanse , extend , extent , find , fulfill , get at , penetrate , purview , range , scope , strive
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