Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
- abhorrence , abomination , anathema , animosity , animus , antagonism , antipathy , aversion , bte noire * , black beast , bother , bugbear * , detestation , disgust , enmity , execration , frost * , grievance , gripe , hatred , horror , hostility , ill will , irritant , loathing , malevolence , malignity , mislike , nasty look , no love lost , nuisance , objection , odium , pain , rancor , rankling , repugnance , repulsion , resentment , revenge , revulsion , scorn , spite , trouble , venomnotes:hate means to \'dislike intensely , loathe\' and despise means \'look down on contemptuously\' , repellence , repellency , repugnancy , bte noire , bugbear , malice , misandry , misanthropy , misogyny , phobia , vitriol
- abhor , abominate , allergic to , anathematize , bear a grudge against , be disgusted with , be hostile to , be loath , be reluctant , be repelled by , be sick of , be sorry , can’t stand , contemn , curse , deprecate , deride , despise , detest , disapprove , disdain , disfavor , disparage , down on , execrate , feel malice to , have an aversion to , have enough of , have no use for , loathe , look down on , nauseate * , not care for , object to , recoil from , scorn , shudder at , shun , spit upon , spurnnotes:hate means to \'dislike intensely , loathe\' and despise means \'look down on contemptuously\' , animosity , animus , antagonism , aversion , condemn , detestation , dislike , enmity , hostility , loathing , malignity , rancor , revile
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