Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- ado , aggravation , annoyance , anxiety , bellyache * , botheration , bustle , care , concern , difficulty , distress , drag * , exasperation , flurry , fuss , headache * , irritant , irritation , molestation , nudge , nuisance , pain , pain in the neck * , perplexity , pest , plague , pother * , pressure , problem , strain , to-do * , trial , trouble , vexation , worriment , worry , besetment , peeve , torment , pother
- afflict , aggravate , agitate , alarm , badger , bedevil , bore , browbeat , carp at , concern , cross , discommode , disconcert , disgust , dismay , displease , disquiet , distress , disturb , eat , embarrass , exacerbate , exasperate , goad , grate on , grieve , harry , hinder , hurt , impede , inconvenience , insult , intrude upon , irk , irritate , molest , nag , needle , nudge , pain , perplex , perturb , pester , pick on , plague , provoke , pursue , put out , ride , scare , spite , tantalize , taunt , tease , torment , trouble , upset , vex , worry , be concerned about , concern oneself , exert oneself , fuss over , go out of one’s way , make a fuss about , make an effort , put oneself out , take pains , try , worry about , bug , chafe , fret , gall , get , nettle , peeve , rile , ruffle , discompose , distract , flurry , fluster , rock , shake , toss , unsettle , ado , ail , annoy , bewilder , confuse , fuss , harass , hassle , headache , incommode , nuisance , pest , puzzle , tamper
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