Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used without object)
- appear , be a guest , be at , be present , be there , bob up , catch , check in , clock in , come to light , drop in , frequent , go to , haunt , make an appearance , make it , make the scene , pop up , punch in , punch the clock , ring in , show , show up , sit in on , time in , turn up , visit , be in the service of , doctor , do for , look after , mind , minister to , nurse , serve , take care of , tend , wait upon , watch , work for , concentrate on , devote oneself , follow , get a load of , hear , hearken , heed , keep one’s eye on , lend an ear , listen , listen up , look on , mark , note , notice , observe , occupy oneself with , pay heed , pick up , regard , see to , bear , be associated with , be connected with , issue from , occur with , result from , accompany , chaperon , companion , consort , convoy , escort , guard , squire , usher , ensue , result , company , wait on , care for , hark , assist , await , come , harken , minister , pay regard , see , shadow , treat , wait
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