Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Informal .
- thrill; pleasurable excitement
- His biggest kick comes from telling about the victory.
- a strong but temporary interest, often an activity
- Making mobiles is his latest kick.
Football .
- an instance of kicking the ball.
- any method of kicking the ball
- place kick.
- a kicked ball.
- the distance such a ball travels.
- a turn at kicking the ball.
Verb phrases
kick around, Informal .
- to treat (someone) harshly or inconsiderately.
- to consider, discuss, or speculate about (a proposal, project, etc.)
- We kicked around various ideas for raising money.
- to experiment with.
- to pass time idly; wander from place to place aimlessly
- We just kicked around for a year after college.
- to remain unused, unemployed, or unnoticed
- The script has been kicking around for years.
kick back,
- to recoil, esp. vigorously or unexpectedly.
- Informal . to give someone a kickback.
- Slang . to return (stolen property, money, etc.) to the owner.
- to relax
- Let's just kick back and enjoy the weekend.
kick in,
- to contribute one's share, esp. in money.
- Slang . to die.
- to become operational; activate; go into effect
- The air conditioning kicks in when the temperature reaches 80?F.
kick off,
- Football . to begin play or begin play again by a kickoff
- The Giants won the toss and elected to kick off.
- Slang . to die.
- to initiate (an undertaking, meeting, etc.); begin
- A rally tomorrow night will kick off the campaign.
kick out, Informal .
- to oust or eject
- They have been kicked out of the country club.
- to fail; give out
- The power kicked out and the room went black.
- to separate off, as for review or inspection
- The computer kicked out the information in a split second.
- Surfing . to turn a surfboard by shifting the weight to the rear, causing the surfboard to come down over the top of a wave, in order to stop a ride.
kick ass
- Slang
- Vulgar
- to act harshly or use force in order to gain a desired result.
- to defeat soundly.
kick in the pants
- Informal .
- someone or something that is very exciting, enjoyable, amusing, etc.
- I think you'll like her, she's a real kick in the pants.
- kick ( def. 40 ) .
- bang * , buzz * , excitement , fun , gratification , hoot * , joy , pleasure , refreshment , sensation , stimulation , wallop * , backlash , blow , boot * , force , intensity , jar , jolt , pep , punch , pungency , snap , sparkle , tang , verve , vitality , zest , zing * , grievance , challenge , demur , exception , expostulation , protest , protestation , remonstrance , remonstration , squawk , punch* , sting* , wallop* , lift , trip* , gimmick , twist
- boot , calcitrate , dropkick , give the foot , jolt , punt , anathematize , carp , combat , condemn , criticize , curse , damn , except , execrate , expostulate , fight , fuss , gripe , grumble , inveigh , mumble , object , oppose , protest , rebel , remonstrate , repine , resist , spurn , wail , whine , withstand , abandon , desist , give up , go cold turkey , leave off , stop , grouch , grump , challenge , demur , cut out , bang , blow , boost , complain , eject , enjoyment , fret , growl , power , punch , recalcitrate , recoil , sensation , snap , strength , thrill , winch
phrasal verb
- bandy , moot , talk over , thrash out , thresh out , toss around , chip in , donate , subscribe , decease , demise , depart , drop , expire , go , pass away , pass , perish , succumb , approach , begin , commence , embark , enter , get off , inaugurate , initiate , institute , launch , lead off , open , set about , set out , set to , take on , take up , undertake , bump , dismiss , evict , expel , oust , throw out
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