• Housing

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    any shelter, lodging, or dwelling place.
    houses collectively.
    the act of one who houses or puts under shelter.
    the providing of houses for a group or community
    the housing of an influx of laborers.
    anything that covers or protects.
    Machinery . a fully enclosed case and support for a mechanism.
    Carpentry . the space made in one piece of wood, or the like, for the insertion of another.
    Nautical .
    Also called bury. the portion of a mast below the deck.
    Also called bury. the portion of a bowsprit aft of the forward part of the stem of a vessel.
    the doubling of an upper mast.
    a niche for a statue.

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