• Howl

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used without object)

    to utter a loud, prolonged, mournful cry, as that of a dog or wolf.
    to utter a similar cry in distress, pain, rage, etc.; wail.
    to make a sound like an animal howling
    The wind howls through the trees.
    Informal . to go on a spree; enjoy oneself without restraint.

    Verb (used with object)

    to utter with howls
    to howl the bad news.
    to drive or force by howls (often fol. by down )
    to howl down the opposition.


    the cry of a dog, wolf, etc.
    a cry or wail, as of pain, rage, or protest.
    a sound like wailing
    the howl of the wind.
    a loud, scornful laugh or yell.
    something that causes a laugh or a scornful yell, as a joke or funny or embarrassing situation.


    noun, verb
    bark , bawl , bay , bellow , blubber , clamor , groan , growl , hoot , keen , lament , moan , outcry , quest , roar , scream , shout , shriek , ululate , wail , weep , whimper , whine , yell , yelp , yip , yowl
    bay , moan , ululate , wail , yowl , bawl , blubber , keen , sob , weep , guffaw , roar
    bay , moan , ululation , wail , yowl , absurdity

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