• Hoot

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used without object)

    to cry out or shout, esp. in disapproval or derision.
    to utter the cry characteristic of an owl.
    to utter a similar sound.
    Chiefly British . to blow a horn or whistle; toot.

    Verb (used with object)

    to assail with shouts of disapproval or derision
    The fans hooted the umpire.
    to drive out, off, or away by hooting.
    to express in hoots
    The crowd hooted its disagreement with the speaker.


    the cry of an owl.
    any similar sound, as an inarticulate shout.
    a cry or shout, esp. of disapproval or derision.
    British . a horn, siren, or whistle, esp. a factory whistle.
    Informal . the least bit of concern, interest, or thought; trifle
    I don't give a hoot.
    Slang . an extremely funny person, situation, or event
    Your mother's a hoot when she tells about her escapades in boarding school.

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