Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
between wind and water
- (of a ship) at or near the water line.
- in a vulnerable or precarious spot
- In her profession one is always between wind and water.
how the wind blows or lies
- what the tendency or probability is
- Try to find out how the wind blows. Also, which way the wind blows.
in the teeth of the wind, sailing directly into the wind; against the wind. Also, in the eye of the wind
- in the wind's eye.
off the wind
- away from the wind; with the wind at one's back.
- (of a sailing vessel) headed into the wind with sails shaking or aback.
sail close to the wind
- Also, sail close on a wind. to sail as nearly as possible in the direction from which the wind is blowing.
- to practice economy in the management of one's affairs.
- to verge on a breach of propriety or decency.
- to escape (punishment, detection, etc.) by a narrow margin; take a risk.
- air , blast , blow , breath , breeze , chinook , cyclone , draft , draught , flurry , flutter , gale , gust , mistral , puff , tempest , typhoon , wafting , whiff , whirlwind , whisk , zephyrnotes:wind moves horizontally , while a draft moves vertically , babble , clue , cue , gossip , hint , hot air * , idle talk , inkling , intimation , notice , rumor , suggestion , talk , tidings , whispernotes:wind moves horizontally , zephyr , flatulence , flatus , harmattan , hurricane , jet stream , levanter , monsoon , scud , simoon , sirocco , solano , sough , squall , susurration , tornado , trade wind
- coil , convolute , corkscrew , cover , crook , curl , curve , deviate , distort , encircle , enclose , entwine , envelop , fold , furl , loop , meander , ramble , reel , roll , screw , slither , snake , spiral , swerve , twine , twist , weave , wrap , wreathe , wriggle , zigzagnotes:wind moves horizontally , while a draft moves vertically , aerate , ventilate , edge , foist , infiltrate , work , worm , air , bend , bise , blast , blizzard , blow , bora , breath , breeze , chinook , cyclone , draft , gale , geostrophic , gust , harmattan , hurricane , intimation , monsoon , noreaster , puff , scent , sinuate , sirocco , squall , storm , tempest , tornado , trade , tramontana , typhoon , waft , whiff , zephyr
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