• Hustling

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used without object)

    to proceed or work rapidly or energetically
    to hustle about putting a house in order.
    to push or force one's way; jostle or shove.
    to be aggressive, esp. in business or other financial dealings.
    Slang . to earn one's living by illicit or unethical means.
    Slang . (of a prostitute) to solicit clients.

    Verb (used with object)

    to convey or cause to move, esp. to leave, roughly or hurriedly
    They hustled him out of the bar.
    to pressure or coerce (a person) to buy or do something
    to hustle the customers into buying more drinks.
    to urge, prod, or speed up
    Hustle your work along.
    to obtain by aggressive or illicit means
    He could always hustle a buck or two from some sucker.
    to beg; solicit.
    to sell in or work (an area), esp. by high-pressure tactics
    The souvenir venders began hustling the town at dawn.
    to sell aggressively
    to hustle souvenirs.
    to jostle, push, or shove roughly.
    Slang . to induce (someone) to gamble or to promote (a gambling game) when the odds of winning are overwhelmingly in one's own favor.
    Slang . to cheat; swindle
    They hustled him out of his savings.
    Slang .
    (of a prostitute) to solicit (someone).
    to attempt to persuade (someone) to have sexual relations.
    to promote or publicize in a lively, vigorous, or aggressive manner
    an author hustling her new book on the TV talk shows.


    energetic activity, as in work.
    discourteous shoving, pushing, or jostling.
    Slang .
    an inducing by fraud, pressure, or deception, esp. of inexperienced or uninformed persons, to buy something, to participate in an illicit scheme, dishonest gambling game, etc.
    such a product, scheme, gambling game, etc.
    Informal . a competitive struggle
    the hustle to earn a living.
    a fast, lively, popular ballroom dance evolving from Latin American, swing, rock, and disco dance styles, with a strong basic rhythm and simple step pattern augmented by strenuous turns, breaks, etc.


    bustling , occupied , active , busy

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