Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
an intervening agency, means, or instrument by which something is conveyed or accomplished
- Words are a medium of expression.
one of the means or channels of general communication, information, or entertainment in society, as newspapers, radio, or television.
Also called culture medium. Bacteriology . a liquid or solidified nutrient material suitable for the cultivation of microorganisms.
Fine Arts .
- Painting . a liquid with which pigments are mixed.
- the material or technique with which an artist works
- the medium of watercolor.
- common , commonplace , fair , fairish , intermediate , mean , medial , median , mediocre , middle , middling , moderate , neutral , normal , ordinary , par , passable , popular , run-of-the-mill * , so-so * , standard , tolerable
- agency , agent , avenue , channel , clairvoyant , factor , form , instrument , instrumentality , intermediate , measure , mechanism , ministry , organ , psychic , seer , tool , vehicle , way , ambience , ambient , climate , conditions , element , habitat , influences , milieu , surroundings , art , drama , interpretation , manifestation , mark , music , painting , revelation , sculpture , speech , writing , mean , median , norm , par , accommodation , arrangement , give-and-take , settlement , instrumentation , intermediary , fourth estate , ambiance , atmosphere , mise en scne , world , average , fair , means , medial , menstruum , middle , midst , midway , moderate , normal , ordinary
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