Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Meteorology .
- (of the sky) bright; sunny; cloudless to half-cloudy.
- (of the weather) fine; with no prospect of rain, snow, or hail; not stormy.
Verb (used with object)
Shipbuilding .
- to draw and adjust (the lines of a hull being designed) to produce regular surfaces of the correct form.
- to adjust the form of (a frame or templet) in accordance with a design, or cause it to conform to the general form of a hull.
- to restore (a bent plate or structural member) to its original form.
- to align (the frames of a vessel under construction) in proper position.
- aboveboard , benevolent , blameless , candid , civil , clean , courteous , decent , disinterested , dispassionate , equal , equitable , even-handed , frank , generous , good , honest , honorable , impartial , just , lawful , legitimate , moderate , nonpartisan , objective , on the level * , on up-and-up , open , pious , praiseworthy , principled , proper , reasonable , respectable , righteous , scrupulous , sincere , square , straight , straightforward , temperate , trustworthy , unbiased , uncolored , uncorrupted , upright , virtuousnotes:a fair (noun) is a traveling show or carnival or a gathering of producers to promote business - fair (adjective) means free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception , or very pleasing to the eye , or not excessive or extreme; fare (noun) is the sum charged for transportation , or the food and drink that are regularly consumed - fare (verb) to get along or proceed , argent , blanched , bleached , blond , blonde , chalky , colorless , creamy , faded , fair-haired , fair-skinned , flaxen-haired , light , milky , neutral , pale , pale-faced , pallid , pearly , sallow , silvery , snowy , tow-haired , tow-headed , white , whitishnotes:a fair (noun) is a traveling show or carnival or a gathering of producers to promote business - fair (adjective) means free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception , adequate , all right , average , common , commonplace , fairish , indifferent , intermediate , mean , medium , middling , not bad , okay , ordinary , passable , pretty good , satisfactory , so-so * , tolerable , up to standard , usualnotes:a fair (noun) is a traveling show or carnival or a gathering of producers to promote business - fair (adjective) means free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception , attractive , beauteous , bonny , charming , chaste , comely , dainty , delicate , enchanting , exquisite , good-looking , handsome , lovely , pretty , pulchritudinous , purenotes:a fair (noun) is a traveling show or carnival or a gathering of producers to promote business - fair (adjective) means free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception , balmy , calm , clarion , clear , clement , dry , favorable , fine , mild , placid , pleasant , rainless , smiling , sunny , sunshiny , tranquil , unclouded , undarkened , unthreateningnotes:a fair (noun) is a traveling show or carnival or a gathering of producers to promote business - fair (adjective) means free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception , gorgeous , ravishing , sightly , stunning , towheaded , alabaster , ivory , cloudless , auspicious , benign , bright , brilliant , fortunate , propitious , fair-minded , unprejudiced , even , evenhanded , sporting , sportsmanly , goodish , sufficient , detached , impersonal , ingenuous , judicial , so-so , spotless , unsullied , untarnished
- bazaar , celebration , centennial , display , exhibit , exhibition , expo , festival , fete , gala , market , observance , occasion , pageant , show , spectaclenotes:a fair (noun) is a traveling show or carnival or a gathering of producers to promote business - fair (adjective) means free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception , or very pleasing to the eye , or not excessive or extreme; fare (noun) is the sum charged for transportation , or the food and drink that are regularly consumed - fare (verb) to get along or proceed , aboveboard , adequate , average , bazar , beautiful , blond , blonde , calm , carnival , charming , clear , decent , deserved , detachment , disinterestedness , distinct , enchanting , equal , equitable , equity , even , evenhanded , exposition , fairness , handsome , honest , impartial , impartiality , indifferent , judicious , just , light , mart , mediocre , middling , mild , objective , pleasant , reasonable , right , so-so , square , sufficient , unbiased , unprejudiced
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