Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
( initial capital letter ) (in the history of a language) intermediate between periods classified as Old and New or Modern
- Middle English.
Grammar . (in some languages) noting a voice of verb inflection in which the subject is represented as acting on or for itself, in contrast to the active voice in which the subject acts, and the passive voice in which the subject is acted upon, as in Greek, egrapsám?n I wrote for myself, égrapsa I wrote, egráph?n I was written.
- average , between , betwixt and between , center , centermost , equidistant , halfway , inner , inside , intermediate , intervening , mainstream , mean , medial , median , medium , mezzo , middlemost , middle of the road * , midmost , smack in the middle , straddling the fence , mid , central , middle-of-the-road , midway , mediocre
- core , deep , focus , halfway , halfway point , heart , inside , marrow , mean , media , midpoint , midriff , midsection , midst , thick , waist , median , average , belly , between , center , central , centrist , golden mean , intermediate , intervening , limbo , medial , mesial , midway , moderate , tertium quid , via media
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