Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison; an approved model.
standards, those morals, ethics, habits, etc., established by authority, custom, or an individual as acceptable
a certain commodity in or by which a basic monetary unit is stated. Compare gold standard , silver standard , bimetallism , monometallism .
a musical piece of sufficiently enduring popularity to be made part of a permanent repertoire, esp. a popular song.
a flag, emblematic figure, or other object raised on a pole to indicate the rallying point of an army, fleet, etc.
conforming in pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, etc., to the usage of most educated native speakers, esp. those having prestige, and widely considered acceptable or correct
- Standard American English; standard pronunciation. Compare nonstandard def. 2
- accepted , authoritative , average , basic , boilerplate , canonical , classic , common , customary , definitive , established , everyday , garden variety , general , normal , official , orthodox , popular , prevailing , recognized , regulation , run-of-the-mill * , set , staple , stock , typical , usual , vanilla * , conclusive , sanctioned , commonplace , cut-and-dried , formulaic , garden , garden-variety , indifferent , mediocre , plain , routine , run-of-the-mill , undistinguished , unexceptional , unremarkable , consuetudinary , conventional , de rigueur , emblematic , ethical , exemplary , prime , proper , traditional , uniform
- archetype , average , axiom , barometer , beau ideal , belief , benchmark , canon , code , criterion , ethics , example , exemplar , fundamental , gauge , grade , guide , ideal , ideals , law , mean , measure , median , mirror , model , morals , norm , par , paradigm , pattern , requirement , rule , rule of thumb * , sample , specification , test , touchstone , type , yardstick , banderole , banner , bannerol , color , colors , emblem , ensign , figure , insignia , jack , pennant , streamer , symbol , banneret , oriflamme , pennon , mark , accepted , base , calibration , civilities , classic , common , control , customary , differentiation , flag , gonfalon , guideline , labarum , level , lodestar , magnitude , measurement , modality , normal , ordinary , polestar , principle , regular , signal , unit , vexillum
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