• Nucleus

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Noun, plural -clei

    a central part about which other parts are grouped or gathered; core
    A few faithful friends formed the nucleus of the club.
    Biology . a specialized, usually spherical mass of protoplasm encased in a double membrane, and found in most living eukaryotic cells, directing their growth, metabolism, and reproduction, and functioning in the transmission of genic characters.
    Physics . the positively charged mass within an atom, composed of neutrons and protons, and possessing most of the mass but occupying only a small fraction of the volume of the atom.
    Anatomy . a mass of nerve cells in the brain or spinal cord in which nerve fibers form connections.
    Also called condensation nucleus. Meteorology . a particle upon which condensation of water vapor occurs to form water drops or ice crystals.
    Chemistry . a fundamental arrangement of atoms, as the benzene ring, that may occur in many compounds by substitution of atoms without a change in structure.
    Astronomy . the condensed portion of the head of a comet.
    Phonetics .
    the central, most prominent segment in a syllable, consisting of a vowel, diphthong, or vowellike consonant, as the a- sound in cat or the l- sound in bottled; peak.
    the most prominent syllable in an utterance or stress group; tonic syllable.


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