Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
to sow or scatter (clouds) with crystals or particles of silver iodide, solid carbon dioxide, etc., to induce precipitation.
- berry , bud , cell , conceit , concept , conception , core , corn , ear , egg , embryo , germ , grain , image , impression , inkling , kernel , notion , nucleus , nut , ovule , ovum , particle , rudiment , semen , spark , sperm , spore , start , suspicionnotes:cede means to give over , [[surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another - while a seed is a small hard fruit or a mature fertilized plant ovule consisting of an embryo and its food source and having a protective coata spore is a lone reproductive cell capable of producing a plant without combining with another cell; a seed develops from sexual recombination of genes from within one plant or two separate plants]] , brood , descendants , heirs , issue , offspring , posterity , progeniture , progeny , race , scions , spawn , successorsnotes:cede means to give over , pip , pit , tuber , get , birth , blood , bloodline , descent , extraction , family , genealogy , line , lineage , origin , parentage , pedigree , stock , acinus , acorn , ancestry , beginning , boll , children , first principle , legume , pea , plant , samara , scatter , source , sow
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