• Seed

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    the fertilized, matured ovule of a flowering plant, containing an embryo or rudimentary plant.
    any propagative part of a plant, including tubers, bulbs, etc., esp. as preserved for growing a new crop.
    such parts collectively.
    any similar small part or fruit.
    Dialect . pit 2 .
    the germ or propagative source of anything
    the seeds of discord.
    offspring; progeny.
    not of mortal seed.
    sperm; semen.
    the ovum or ova of certain animals, as the lobster and the silkworm moth.
    seed oyster.
    a small air bubble in a glass piece, caused by defective firing.
    Crystallography, Chemistry . a small crystal added to a solution to promote crystallization.
    Tennis . a player who has been seeded in a tournament.

    Verb (used with object)

    to sow (a field, lawn, etc.) with seed.
    to sow or scatter (seed).
    to sow or scatter (clouds) with crystals or particles of silver iodide, solid carbon dioxide, etc., to induce precipitation.
    to place, introduce, etc., esp. in the hope of increase or profit
    to seed a lake with trout.
    to sprinkle on (a surface, substance, etc.) in the manner of seed
    to seed an icy bridge with chemicals.
    to remove the seeds from (fruit).
    Sports .
    to arrange (the drawings for positions in a tournament) so that ranking players or teams will not meet in the early rounds of play.
    to distribute (ranking players or teams) in this manner.
    to develop or stimulate (a business, project, etc.), esp. by providing operating capital.

    Verb (used without object)

    to sow seed.
    to produce or shed seed.


    of or producing seed; used for seed
    a seed potato.
    being or providing capital for the initial stages of a new business or other enterprise
    The research project began with seed donations from the investors.


    go or run to seed
    (of the flower of a plant) to pass to the stage of yielding seed.
    to lose vigor, power, or prosperity; deteriorate
    He has gone to seed in the last few years.
    in seed
    (of certain plants) in the state of bearing ripened seeds.
    (of a field, a lawn, etc.) sown with seed.



    berry , bud , cell , conceit , concept , conception , core , corn , ear , egg , embryo , germ , grain , image , impression , inkling , kernel , notion , nucleus , nut , ovule , ovum , particle , rudiment , semen , spark , sperm , spore , start , suspicionnotes:cede means to give over , [[surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another - while a seed is a small hard fruit or a mature fertilized plant ovule consisting of an embryo and its food source and having a protective coata spore is a lone reproductive cell capable of producing a plant without combining with another cell; a seed develops from sexual recombination of genes from within one plant or two separate plants]] , brood , descendants , heirs , issue , offspring , posterity , progeniture , progeny , race , scions , spawn , successorsnotes:cede means to give over , pip , pit , tuber , get , birth , blood , bloodline , descent , extraction , family , genealogy , line , lineage , origin , parentage , pedigree , stock , acinus , acorn , ancestry , beginning , boll , children , first principle , legume , pea , plant , samara , scatter , source , sow
    plant , sow

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