Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- affiliation , assistance , association , band , body , brotherhood , business , cahoots * , cartel , chumminess , clique , club , combination , combine , community , companionship , company , conglomerate , conjunction , connection , consociation , cooperation , cooperative , corporation , coterie , crew , faction , firm , fraternity , friendship , gang , help , hookup , house , interest , joining , lodge , mob , organization , ownership , party , ring , sharing , sisterhood , society , sorority , tie-up , togetherness , unionnotes:a corporation is the name used in the united states for a business association established by one or more people who later sell shares in the corporation to investors; in a partnership , there are one or more owners who share jointly in the profits , liability , alliance , cahoot (slang) , cahoots , copartnership , marriage , union
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