Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need; contribute strength or means to; render assistance to; cooperate effectively with; aid; assist
- blockage , check , counteraction , harm , hindrance , hurt , injury , obstruction , stop , management , ownership
- advice , aid , assist , avail , balm * , benefit , comfort , cooperation , corrective , cure , guidance , hand , helping hand , lift * , maintenance , nourishment , remedy , service , succor , support , sustenance , use , utility , abettor , adjutant , aide , ally , ancilla , assistant , attendant , auxiliary , collaborator , colleague , deputy , domestic , helper , helpmate , mate , partner , representative , right-hand person , servant , subsidiary , supporter , worker , abetment , assistance , relief , reliever , succorer , adminicle , backing , coperation , coadjuvancy , encouragement , facilitation , recourse , restorative , subsidy , subvention
- abet , accommodate , advocate , back , ballyhoo * , befriend , benefit , be of use , bolster , boost , buck up * , cheer , cooperate , do a favor , do a service , do one’s part , encourage , endorse , further , go to bat for * , go with , hype * , intercede , lend a hand , maintain , open doors , patronize , plug * , promote , prop , puff * , push , relieve , root for , sanction , save , second , see through , serve , stand by , stick up for , stimulate , stump for , succor , support , sustain , take under one’s wing , uphold , work for , alleviate , ameliorate , amend , attend , better , cure , doctor , ease , facilitate , heal , meliorate , mitigate , nourish , palliate , remedy , restore , revive , treat , aid , assist , upgrade , adminicle , advance , advice , assistance , avail , champion , coperate , collaborate , connive , contribute , cooperation , employee , expedite , favor , guidance , hand , improve , laborer , lift , participate , relief , repair , rescue , servant , sos , stead , strengthen , subsidize , worker
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