Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- band , bloc , bunch , cabal , camp , caucus , cell , circle , clan , clique , club , coalition , combination , combine , combo , concern , conclave , confederacy , conspiracy , contingent , coterie , crew , crowd , design , division , entente , gang , guild , insiders , intrigue , junta , knot , lobby , machine , minority , mob , network , offshoot , outfit , partnership , party , pressure group , ring , schism , sect , section , sector , set , side , splinter group , team , unit , wingnotes:a faction is a group of people forming a cohesive , usually contentious , minority from within a larger group; a fraction is a small part or item of something forming a piece of a whole , disagreement , discord , disharmony , dissension , disunity , divisiveness , friction , infighting , quarrelsomeness , rebellion , sedition , tumult , turbulencenotes:a faction is a group of people forming a cohesive , cartel , clash , confrontation , contention , difference , difficulty , disaccord , discordance , dissent , dissentience , dissidence , dissonance , inharmony , strife , variance , war , warfare , denomination , dispute , group , insurgency , junto , quarrel
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