• Noun

    a soldier, warship, airplane, etc., employed in reconnoitering.
    a person sent out to obtain information.
    Sports .
    a person who observes and reports on the techniques, players, etc., of opposing teams.
    a person sent out by a team to observe and recommend new talent for recruitment.
    a talent scout, as in the entertainment field.
    an act or instance of reconnoitering, inspecting, observing, etc.
    ( sometimes initial capital letter ) a Boy Scout or Girl Scout.
    Informal . a person
    He's a good scout.
    a man acting as servant to a student at Oxford University.

    Verb (used without object)

    to act as a scout; reconnoiter.
    to make a search; hunt.
    to work as a talent scout.

    Verb (used with object)

    to examine, inspect, or observe for the purpose of obtaining information; reconnoiter
    to scout the enemy's defenses.
    to seek; search for (usually fol. by out or up )
    to scout up a date for Friday night.
    to find by seeking, searching, or looking (usually fol. by out or up )
    Scout out a good book for me to read.


    ignore , overlook , shun

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