Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object), -ined, -ining.
to observe, test, or investigate (a person's body or any part of it), esp. in order to evaluate general health or determine the cause of illness.
- appraise , assay , audit , canvass , case , check , check out , chew over , consider , criticize , delve into , dig into , explore , eye * , finger * , frisk , go into , go over , go through , gun * , inquire , inspect , investigate , look over , look see , parse , pat down , peruse , pick at , ponder , pore over , probe , prospect , prove , read , reconnoiter , research , review , scan , scope , screen , scrutinate , scrutinize , search into , sift , size up * , study , survey , sweep , take stock of , try , turn over * , vet , view , weigh , winnow * , catechize , cross-examine , experiment , give the third , give the third degree , grill , interrogate , judge , measure , pump , put through the wringer , query , quiz , try out , con , traverse , essay , question , analyze , anatomize , ask , assess , catechise , collate , dissect , heckle , look at , observe , palpate , perlustrate , plumb , reconnoitre , search , test , text
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