Cut back
Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Cards .
- to divide (a pack of cards) at random into two or more parts, by removing cards from the top.
- to take (a card) from a deck.
Verb (used without object)
Movies, Television .
- to shift suddenly from one shot to another
- Cut to the barroom interior.
- to stop the action of a scene
- used as a command by a director.
Verb phrases
cut down,
- Also, cut down on. to lessen; decrease
- to cut down on between-meal snacks.
- to strike and cause to fall
- The first force to attempt an advance was swiftly cut down.
- to destroy, kill, or disable
- The hurricane cut down everything in its path.
- to remodel, remake, or reduce in size, as a garment
- She had her old coat cut down to fit her daughter.
cut in,
- to move or thrust oneself, a vehicle, etc., abruptly between others
- A speeding car cut in and nearly caused an accident.
- to interpose; interrupt
- to cut in with a remark.
- Informal . to interrupt a dancing couple in order to dance with one of them.
- to blend (shortening) into flour by means of a knife.
cut off,
- to intercept.
- to interrupt.
- to stop suddenly; discontinue.
- to halt the operation of; turn off.
- to shut off or shut out.
- to disinherit.
- to sever; separate.
cut out,
- to omit; delete; excise.
- to oust and replace a rival; supplant.
- to part an animal from a herd.
- to plan; arrange
- He has his work cut out for him.
- to move out of one's lane of traffic.
- Also, cut on out. Slang . to leave suddenly.
- Informal . to refrain from; stop
- to cut out smoking.
- (of an engine, machine, etc.) to stop running.
cut a caper or figure, to perform a spirited, brief, outlandish dance step
- esp. as a result of euphoria.
cut and run
- Nautical . to cut the anchor cable and set sail, as in an emergency.
- to leave as hurriedly as possible; flee.
cut back
- to shorten by cutting off the end.
- to curtail or discontinue
- Steel production has been cut back in recent months.
- to return to an earlier episode or event, as in the plot of a novel.
- Football . to reverse direction suddenly by moving in the diagonally opposite course.
cut or chop down to size
- to reduce the stature or importance of
- The novelist had a big ego until the critics cut him down to size.
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