Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Mathematics . to change the denomination or form, but not the value, of (a fraction, polynomial, etc.).
Chemistry .
- to add electrons to.
- to deoxidize.
- to add hydrogen to.
- to change (a compound) so that the valence of the positive element is lower.
- abate , abridge , bankrupt , bant , break , cheapen , chop , clip , contract , curtail , cut , cut back , cut down , debase , deflate , depreciate , depress , diet , dilute , diminish , discount , drain , dwindle , go on a diet , impair , impoverish , lessen , lose weight , lower , mark down , moderate , nutshell , pare , pauperize , rebate , recede , roll back , ruin , scale down , shave , shorten , slash , slim , slow down , step down , take off weight , taper , taper off , tone down , trim , truncate , turn down , weaken , wind downnotes:reduce means to cut down on; minimize means to make small or insignificant or represent as less important , bear down , beat down , bring , conquer , cripple , crush , disable , drive , enfeeble , force , master , overcome , overpower , subdue , subjugate , undermine , vanquish , weakennotes:reduce means to cut down on; minimize means to make small or insignificant or represent as less important , abase , bring low , bump * , bust * , declass , degrade , demerit , demote , disgrade , disrate , downgrade , take down a pegnotes:reduce means to cut down on; minimize means to make small or insignificant or represent as less important , ebb , let up , peter , tail away , abbreviate , condense , bump , devaluate , devalue , write down , trim down , annihilate , bate , change , curb , decrease , defeat , denigrate , deplete , emaciate , humble , humiliate , level , minify , minimize , scale , slow , subject , thin
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