• Smooth over

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    free from projections or unevenness of surface; not rough
    smooth wood; a smooth road.
    generally flat or unruffled, as a calm sea.
    free from hairs or a hairy growth
    a smooth cheek.
    of uniform consistency; free from lumps, as a batter, sauce, etc.
    free from or proceeding without abrupt curves, bends, etc.
    a smooth ride.
    allowing or having an even, uninterrupted movement or flow
    smooth driving.
    easy and uniform, as motion or the working of a machine.
    having projections worn away
    a smooth tire casing.
    free from hindrances or difficulties
    a smooth day at the office.
    noting a metal file having the minimum commercial grade of coarseness for a single-cut file. Compare dead-smooth .
    undisturbed, tranquil, or equable, as the feelings, temper, etc.; serene
    a smooth disposition.
    elegant, easy, or polished
    smooth manners.
    ingratiatingly polite or suave
    That salesman is a smooth talker.
    free from harshness, sharpness, or bite; bland or mellow, as cheese or wine.
    not harsh to the ear, as sound
    the smooth music of a ballroom dance band.
    Phonetics . without aspiration.


    in a smooth manner; smoothly.

    Verb (used with object)

    to make smooth of surface, as by scraping, planing, or pressing.
    to remove (projections, ridges, wrinkles, etc.) in making something smooth (often fol. by away or out ).
    to free from difficulties.
    to remove (obstacles) from a path (often fol. by away ).
    to make more polished, elegant, or agreeable, as wording or manners.
    to tranquilize, calm, or soothe (a person, the feelings, etc.).
    Mathematics . to simplify (an expression) by substituting approximate or certain known values for the variables.


    act of smoothing
    She adjusted the folds with a smooth of her hand.
    something that is smooth; a smooth part or place
    through the rough and the smooth.

    Verb phrase

    smooth over, to make seem less severe, disagreeable, or irreconcilable; allay; mitigate
    He smoothed over my disappointment with kind words.



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