Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
something resembling the side of the human face in form or position, as either of two parts forming corresponding sides of various objects
Architecture .
- one side of an opening, as a reveal.
- either of two similar faces of a projection, as a buttress or dormer.
Carpentry .
- a piece of wood removed from the end of a timber in making a tenon.
- a piece of wood on either side of a mortise.
Horology . one of two pieces placed on both sides of the suspension spring of a pendulum to control the amplitude of oscillation or to give the arc of the pendulum a cycloidal form.
- chop * , choppers , gill , jowl , brashness , brass * , brazenness , chutzpah * , confidence , disrespect , effrontery , gall , impertinence , impudence , insolence , lip * , nerve * , presumption , rudeness , sauce * , temerity , assumption , audaciousness , audacity , boldness , cheekiness , chutzpah , discourtesy , face , familiarity , forwardness , impudency , incivility , nerve , nerviness , overconfidence , pertness , presumptuousness , pushiness , sassiness , sauciness , crust , jaws , jowls , jugal , malar , zygoma , zygomatic bone
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