Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
(of an uninhabited region or large land area) steep or uneven and covered with high grass, brush, trees, stones, etc.
Verb (used with object)
to subject to some rough, preliminary process of working or preparation (often fol. by down, off, or out )
- asperous , bearded , brambly , bristly , broken , bumpy , bushy , chapped , choppy , coarse , cragged , craggy , cross-grained , disheveled , fuzzy , hairy , harsh , jagged , knobby , knotty , nappy , nodular , not smooth , ridged , rocky , ruffled , rugged , scabrous , scraggy , shaggy , sharp , stony , tangled , tousled , tufted , unequal , unfinished , unlevel , unshaven , unshorn , woolly , wrinkled , wrinkly , agitated , blustering , blustery , boisterous , buffeting , cacophonous , discordant , dry , furious , grating , gruff , hoarse , husky , inclement , inharmonious , jarring , raging , rasping , raucous , squally , stridulent , tempestuous , tumultous/tumultuous , turbulent , unmusical , wild , bearish , bluff , blunt , boorish , brief , brusque , churlish , crass , crude , cruel , crusty , curt , discourteous , drastic , extreme , gross * , hairy * , hard , ill-mannered , improper , inconsiderate , indecorous , indelicate , inelegant , loud , loutish , mean , nasty , raw , rowdy , severe , short , tough , unceremonious , uncivil , uncouth , uncultivated , uncultured , unfeeling , ungracious , unjust , unmannerly , unpleasant , unpolished , unrefined , untutored , violent , vulgar , austere , cursory , formless , imperfect , rough-and-ready , roughhewn , rudimentary , shapeless , sketchy , spartan , uncompleted , uncut , undressed , unfashioned , unformed , unhewn , unprocessed , unwrought , amorphous , estimated , foggy , general , hazy , imprecise , inexact , proximate , rude , uncertain , unprecise , vague , ironbound , ragged , uneven , grainy , granular , gritty , dirty , heavy , roiled , roily , stormy , tumultuous , ugly , arduous , backbreaking , demanding , difficult , effortful , exacting , exigent , formidable , laborious , onerous , oppressive , rigorous , taxing , trying , weighty , brutal , tricky , barbarian , barbaric , gross , ill-bred , philistine , tasteless , uncivilized , knockabout , rough-and-tumble , strenuous , raspy , scratchy , squawky , strident , native , natural , undomesticated , untamed , preliminary , tentative , unperfected , primitive
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