• Verb (used without object)

    to eject liquid in a jet from a narrow orifice
    The hose squirted all over us.
    to eject a spurt of liquid
    The lemon squirted in my eye.

    Verb (used with object)

    to cause (liquid or a viscous substance) to spurt or issue in a jet, as from a narrow orifice
    Squirt the water over that way!
    to wet or bespatter with a liquid or viscous substance so ejected
    to squirt someone with a hose.


    the act of squirting.
    a spurt or jetlike stream, as of water.
    a small quantity of liquid or viscous substance squirted
    Put a squirt of chocolate sauce on my ice cream.
    Informal .
    a youngster, esp. a meddlesome or impudent one.
    a short person.
    an insignificant, self-assertive person, esp. one who is small or young.
    an instrument for squirting, as a syringe.
    Usually, squirts. Dialect . diarrhea.


    jet , spout , spray , pup , puppy

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